Tuesday 10 November 2015

Free Download of the Infeasible Game

The Infeasible Game can be downloaded here: One Drive
Run this on a ZX Spectrum emulator set to emulate a 128k version for in-game music. It's free so why wait.

Monday 9 November 2015

The Infeasible Game - Ready for release.

My new ZX Spectrum game is now ready and is shared on the internet. I have only given the details to Cronosoft for the moment. This will be a free download for everyone to enjoy. I had planned to release it almost a year ago for Christmas 2014. As always, things didn't go to plan and then I moved house. After dealing with a few bugs it is now in a state where I am happy to let the public play it. As far as I can tell there are no show-stopper bugs but if any get reported I'll update the game on the share. Keep watching for more news soon.